quote of the day

I just can’t believe that I used to like this man.

Dobson said on the radio program he must consider McCain’s record against abortion rights and support for smaller government, and added McCain “seems to understand the Muslim threat.” He also indicated McCain’s choice of a running mate will be a factor.

(full article here)

So, Doctor, would that be THIS “‘Muslim‘ threat”?

Sunday blogging against racism #44–by Lorraine Hussein Wronski

Yeah, the New Yorker cover . . . sigh.

There was a lot of talk about it on a purportedly light-hearted blog that I read regularly. Not everybody there shares my personal view of things, least of all the blog owner, but I think the comments on this entry pretty much run the gamut in terms of the variety of beliefs/thoughts that people have on the issue . . .

Many people are saying that Obama should just shut up about it . . . it’s satire, blah blah blah . . . (and we Grand Rapids folks know all about satire gone wrong . . . )

But seriously. The New Yorker cover barely qualifies as satire, mainly because FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE believe the cover image to be a completely accurate representation of who Barack Obama is.

And psssssst . . . I hear he kills kittens, too . . .